Express book diary

We moved away from Manchester and as a result we had to pack our books and send them off. In the heat of moving I did not catch up on my diary and all I could do for the books that kept me company for the past months is the following post.

Free Will – A Very Short Introduction by Thomas Pink
Probably most of us have reflected about ‘free will’ and its role in life. My sporadic thoughts on the topic were never taken too deep, so it was helpful to read a structured introduction to schools of thought/belief. At some point, as I was reading about all the different models, my mind starting creating a web of ideas. A probabilistic model, which accounts for causality and for freedom of choice. Each action produces infinity of possible outcomes, which in turn are causes to infinity of outcomes. With that said there are certain probabilities higher that stand out that enable a clear ‘if A then B’ statement and render all the rest negligible. I was happy to find my inner philosopher and have my own breakthrough. Of course as I kept reading it became clear this is not a new idea and I haven’t even scratched the surface of what great minds and wise men/women have already shared with the world. Still fun to think about though.

La colmena by Camilo José Cela
Este quería ser my primer articulo en español. Me hice una promesa al empezar del año que voy a escribir en la lengua en que leí. Seguro que ese fue también la razón por no leer nada en español hasta ´La colmena’, para no deber enfrentar todas mis errores y descubrir que limitado es mi vocabulario.

Compré este libro el la tienda de libros antiguas, una tienda donde sí compras dos libros, te regalarán fruta, para disfrutar con tu lectura. El libro es la disección de una colmena de la gente de Madrid post Guerra, y muestra una actividad continua pero ninguna mas importante que otra y te recuerda que una vida no es mas interesante que otra.

Purificare de Sofi Oksanen
Am cumparat cartea in Bucuresti, in aeroport, fara sa-mi fi fost cunoscuta autoarea. Povestea se desfasoara in mare parte in Estonia. Nu am citit multe lucruri, poate chiar deloc, despre Estonia. Cartea nu a facut decat sa imi aduca aminte ca oricat am vrea sa ne individualizam prin durerea noastra, sau istoria noastra mai interesanta sau importanta, avem mai multe lucruri in comun decat lucruri care ne diferentiaza. O familie se schimba drastic o data cu venirea comunismului. O combinatie intre o dragoste obsesiva si interzisa, si opresivitatea societatii creaza o drama cu ramificatii dureroare si de lunga durata. Cred ca pentru o perioada voi lua o pauza de la tema povestilor tragice din timpul comunismului. Imi creaza o stare de tristete sa stiu ca in conditii extreme cu totii putem da dovada de inumanitate.

Happiness – A guide to developing life’s most important skill by Matthieu Ricard
Reading this book balances the stream of negative information I come in contact with every day and reminds me that peace and happiness are our true nature. The author’s interest in the scientific advancements in studying the relationship between mind and body showcases an exciting time when we are learning to embrace our intrinsic positive energy and sharing more love and joy with the world.

Candidatii la fericire by Ileana Vulpescu
Am primit colectia de eseuri de la mama, cadou de ziua mea. O colectie care te poarta ca printr-un muzeu de vieti unde nu poti decat sa fii un vizitaor si sa speri ca iti vor accepta canditatura la fericire.

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