Watery Painting

I have a history of almost doing things. When I applied for university, I almost did Business Management. I ended up doing Computer Science. When we came to Australia I wanted to take a course different from anything I have done before so I chose a Book Binding course. I ended up doing Watery Painting Techniques. My first ‘almost’ has led me to a path I am content with and I feel fate has chosen well for me. My second ‘almost’ seems to keep me happy and relaxed, although I feel like an infant taking her first steps. I did check with our almost three years old niece and nephew and they encourage me to keep going. The course was at Brisbane Institute of Art with the lovely artist, Svetlana Trefilova.

It was a perfect course for me since I had zero experience and I have never painted except maybe when I was a kid with no standout moments to remember. It was two full days of playing around with colors, looking for patterns, learning about various techniques and with no pressure to create particular shapes unless we felt like it. After the course I continued and each day I would relax, tune out for an hour or two and come back with another ruined t-shirt and colored hands.

Here are a few finished results that found a home. One claimed by Chris, and other pieces by parents. There are a combination of acrylic paints, ink and natural pressed flowers collected around Brisbane such as Frangipani and Poinciana. Today I even completed the scariest part of all, putting my name on them.







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